
Regardless of whether you are single, dating, engaged or married, typically when we think about relationships, we tend to romanticize them, only wanting to think about or deal with the fun, and good times.  While relationships are full of good times, romance and passion, they can also be complex, dynamic, difficult to navigate and sometimes volatile.  Relationships are hard work, and they don't always work out the way we envision.  In fact, one in every two marriages ends in divorce.  

You might be wondering, "Why is that statistic so high?"  Well the simple answer is that many of us are not equipped with the proper tools to develop and sustain healthy, successful relationships.  In school, we  take class after class for subjects like math, science, and history, but there isn't a class for interpersonal skills.  So we are left to develop these skills on our own, which often times results in a slew of "bad" relationship habits.  Which is why it is helpful to receive a little guidance every now and then along the road to love, to point you in the right direction and steer you back on course.

Author, speaker and relationship coach, Ron Moore MSW, hopes to do just that! Through his books, workshops, retreats, events and individual counseling sessions, Moore has worked with hundreds of individuals and couples to help them pin point and work through their missteps, resulting in healthier, happier relationships.  Moore's unique and fun approach promotes healthy long lasting relationships through communication, trust and partnership, providing you with a trusted resource that you can turn to for all of your relationship questions or concerns. 

The happily ever after to your love story begins right now.